Friday, December 23, 2022

Merry Christmas to everyone .....

 Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year, could not be any worse than 2020~2022, good things are coming! *Amen to that. 


Sad but true!πŸ‘‡πŸ˜


Just remember this:πŸ‘‡

       Be on the right side of history! πŸ’–πŸ’˜

    Love & Light to ALL😘

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

While it seems as though nothing is happening , yeh right ! Loads going on in the background.

 I get so busy trying to find out what IS happening,  not being able to get onto Telegram, it takes a little longer than instantly finding good information.   However, I seem to get exactly what I need to hear, when I need to hear it.  Today albeit two days after from Rumble emails .. 😁  I found the perfect video to share here:   Also need to keep up to date with what is going on in my own country of New Zealand .  😞

 Just when you thought our government could not sink any lower , boof , she does,  the baby Will story is so sad and I'm disgusted with our governments handling of what should just be plain and simple parental rights of the little boys mother and father.  😲 Shocking.  but NO!

More BS from the far reaching government of our freedoms as people, hoping this particular story will wake up more kiwis than ever, as a beautiful little baby boy is at risk people seem to get together and rise when children are involved (the good ones anyway) 

As a mother and grandmother it is totally disgusting (same with the clotshots) too ... leave the children alone for goodness sakes.   πŸ˜‘ Enough is enough already! 

This video is for around the world so will add that here first...  then the home stories will all be on the Counterspin Media website for NZ and international REAL news.  πŸ’₯😍

The condensed version of intel from SG Anon , my fav' international source right now.

Well worth watching!πŸ‘€πŸ‘‚πŸ˜ŠEnjoy!


Also this might be useful for many to know or should have known
 before all this bullπŸ’©came out.  πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ˜

100% True , go figure!πŸ˜ŠπŸ’–
So "Trust the Plan" there is one! 

πŸ’žPrayers and many thanks to all these heroes too. πŸ’

Plus of course this man... 
saving the WORLD from evil! 😊

Thank you President Trump for getting in the way for "we the people" to fight for us all worldwide. πŸ’–πŸ˜
Along with all the patriots as well. 
God bless EVERYONE!  😍πŸ‘ͺπŸ‘ͺπŸ‘ͺ😘

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Always about the timing .... lol

 While things look bleak, "the best is yet to come" still stands. 

It may not seem that way, just keep the faith WWG1WGA ! πŸ’ž

I had a great video to put here, I shared it in a few places, then 

went back to get the embed code and POOF it was GONE.  

Y tube of course,  I was lucky enough to see it before it was removed though, it was a decode of Trumps speech from yesterday. πŸ’–πŸ‘€ 

Less scary out there when you KNOW what is coming ... SOON. 

Hang in there patriots!πŸ‘€



Hallelujah, Amen!πŸ’•

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Red October .... BQQMs

 The mainstream media is losing their narratives, truth bombs all over the place, you would literally have to be in a coma to not see the truths coming out now...   Seriously! πŸ’₯πŸ˜„

Love this, from Dan Scavino Jr !πŸ’―πŸ˜

A couple of good videos below, worth watching. I would highly recommend finding Julie Green on as she seems to be right all the time, her prophecies are really good if you need to cheer up someone & keep the faith that all is going exactly how it is supposed to be. πŸ’–

 The Great Awakening is happening faster now than it was. 

This is one of her very good updates from around the 17th of October 2022 

(How not everything is as it appears to be)

 Even we in New Zealand got a mention.. πŸ‘

Also, the truth about the jabs is finally getting out too, going to be a lot of sad and very angry people once it all comes out.  The sudden deaths are astronomical in most countries where they pushed the crap out onto the unknowing souls who did not research or were coerced into it to keep their jobs.  Unimaginable, the pure evil that is out there....  😩


Next truth bomb was about Prince William, What? πŸ‘€πŸ’£ 
Apparently he will be the next King from the true royal bloodlines of Princess Diana and King Juan Carlos, lots more photos if you google his name ...  had no idea about that until just last week .  Good to know though, King Charles will never be King once the truth all comes out.  He is even in this picture and not looking too happy LOL πŸ˜‰

Last but not least, this great song... 
Which sort of sums up my thoughts too.. πŸ‘
The cabal break up song 😍😁πŸ’₯It is catchy! πŸ˜€πŸ’—

Remember the Scavino video ? I do think the last week of October is going to be extreme and interesting to say the very least.   

Love & light as always & hold on to your hats & PRAY..  

Monday, September 19, 2022

September , September, the month to remember ....

 I think the whole of 2022 will be the year everyone WILL definitely remember. Sadly there will be a lot of angry people when they discover the truth of the governments lies. Almost beyond comprehension that such evil even exists and we have been lied to about literally everything over the years, even the history books for heavens sakes 😏

I was lucky enough to not have a boss persay, so the mandates never affected me thankfully, have NEVER worn a mask , refused to,  that part was not easy but managed to stick to my guns on that too....  now ALL the mandates have gone in New Zealand thankfully & people are just absolutely OVER it and fed up mostly,  besides the obvious mask wearers still wearing them which is sad in itself, easy to see now the people who still believe the daily BS news on TV lol.   The truth is slowly coming out and the mainstream media have a lot to answer to, they arrested Kelvyn and Hannah from Counterspin media last month, they have another court date this week.  If you are near or in Christchurch go and show them some love & support...  😍

While I have never been into or followed politics EVER, since the stolen US election happened I have been a little obsessed (in a good way) lol  Patriots united!  😍

Even living in communist Vietnam for 5 years, I barely noticed what that even meant at the time, so maybe I am just me and do not let governments control my life.. Or maybe I was just asleep to the fact of how corrupt they actually are and that is scary to find out how bad and how evil some people really are and how close we came to losing all our freedoms that most of us take for granted . "The great awakening" is HERE 

I have been called crazy for years, my grown children think I am just plain insane LOL oh well, the truth will always prevail and we will WIN.   πŸ’–

I don't get Telegram and I do not use Fakebook or the other crap social media big tech places so I am often in the dark, my intuition is enough to just know what is happening and there is a plan, Q is REAL. the military (the good one) Trump WON the 2020 election , I NEVER voted for our PM , not sure if anyone actually did ... but hey. πŸ‘€

The storm is here now, things might look bleak to most, some still not awake yet , the movie is almost over and let the good times roll I say, be on the right side of history and we will soon see justice for all.   My Dad would be rolling in his grave.... he passed away when I was 8, 49 years ago now, so almost the 50th anniversary , a little like the 50th jubilee coming shortly.... 😍 Still miss him, to this day  πŸ’”

He lied about his age to be in the RAF and was a fighter pilot in WW2 , so it is in my genes to fight for freedom, (more of a keyboard warrior now though) while I have attended some rallies, I tend to be a lone warrior not being on social sites and I do work from home without a car most weekdays but I make up for that in spirit and passed the test of  NOT conforming to any government BS. I will defend my family to the death if I have to, that is a given, being a Taurus lol .  

Live in love and never fear.  I have the utmost respect all those in the public eye standing up for our world like the warriors they truly are.  Lost a lot of respect for our police force in NZ, my sister was in the police since 1999 and lost her job because of all this BS, so do know many who this has affected and not in a good way, all our friends and neighbours got fooled along with two of my sons sadly... even after trying to warn them to the lies.  πŸ˜’πŸ’”


Here is a photo of the sky taken in Canada of all places, it is beautiful and NOT photoshopped, hence... 
"the best IS yet to come" 
Just like the Lords Prayer, "heaven on earth" & "deliver us from evil" (yes please) just think about that for a second!

Well, this might just be my last post here, depending what happens with the blackouts and the internet etc and or if google even survives what is coming. I guess we shall see and time will tell. Love & light to all.  

Bye bye, for now πŸ˜πŸ’žπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Disclosure month is August..... so it seems


All around the world & here at home in New Zealand ... 😍

I have always loved the site of Stop World Control .com I even
got a T- shirt made as his site has so much good information 
on ALL the topics we all need to know, with the FACTS
& PROOF made easy to find all in one place. 
Big bombshell out today! Click the pic' to visit for that...

As the rest of the world is too, the storm is upon us ... 
The people are awakening to all the lies which is great,
still a wee ways to go yet, definitely getting there. 😌
Our mainstream media are still lying, as always... 
We have my fav' Counterspin Media . com  and many other
kiwis doing a great job getting the truth out though .. 

It was epic ... 

Stuff .co  as well as the NZ herald are full of you know what too ...  
Our very iconic newspaper turned to crap sadly. πŸ˜’

People are starting to connect the dots at least,
or I would love to think so...  

It was a game we played as children, only with furry cute animals
 and fun things, this one not so much fun! πŸ’«πŸ˜
"The best is yet to come" I do believe that. 


Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Bigger boom week ahead , fingers crossed ....

 Not sure how much longer mainstream media can keep hiding the truth, they must be in panic mode now.. πŸ˜‚


Possibly a HUGE day tomorrow...  ? 

I  KNOW this insanity is coming to an end shortly, I really do have faith that the best IS yet to come & am trusting in that & myself.

My intuition is on full on mode now days... Thankfully. πŸ˜πŸ’—

For a good laugh, you might need one .. I love the movies these guys at make, here is the latest one.  Appropriate I would say ..  Draining the swamp, Love it!! 




Whatever the world thinks is happening in New Zealand, it is not as bad as some may think, unless of course you believe what is on our news MSM channels LOL  πŸ˜‰
While our own so called government is corrupt as ever,
I am still the crazy lady in our street and to many family members too...oh well, oh dear, how sad, never mind... lol πŸ‘΅
I just hope the whole truth is revealed and SOON .  
Let there be ........

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen! πŸ™
πŸ’―πŸ”†THE END!

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Floodgates of truths opening up now .. boom week


Where to begin ?  hmmm! 

Hard to keep up with now days, not sure how the sleeping ones can stay that way for too much longer, so long as their TV goes off that is. Mainstream media, πŸ’©FAKE news sucks! 😠

Some will never wake up I guess.  


Q is back, let the fun times begin...  

Downtown Auckland last week here .. (was sent that picture) did go for a drive downtown a couple of days later and they were gone so it seems something was or is happening big time. 😁

Hoping so anyway...  😡

The truth about the jabs, the truth about the corrupt politicians, the truth about the evil that goes on behind closed doors, etc, etc, 😩 

We humans have been lied to about almost everything we ever thought was true, turns out not to be... πŸ‘½πŸ‘ΎπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘©πŸ’«πŸ˜₯

Anyway, WWG1WGA ~ even got my coin from Dismecoins which is impressive to say the very least, love it.  😍

Speaking of memorabilia, there is a contest going on to win some of the Trump notes, which I did buy some ages ago, they are beautiful, genuine and super cool.  

Click the pic' & be in to WIN some.  

There is a banner just down the page on the right hand side to enter the contest & good luck. 🌻

How's this for caught on tape? I took a screenshot off a live video so you don't get to see the lightening that was coming out from the fingers it was spectacular with the thunder too... just wow really!

(Not photoshopped as someone was taping it live) πŸ‘€  

The hand of God perhaps... πŸ˜‡ 

Message of the day :  πŸ’žπŸ˜

Love & light to ALL ✌

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Slowly but surely the truth is being dripped out a bit at a time ...

 To awaken more sleepers thankfully or hoping so anyway. 

So very true indeed.
Just when you think your head could not explode any more .. boom ,πŸ’₯ boom , πŸ’₯boom yet again.. πŸ‘Ώ lol  πŸ’“πŸ’—Whoa! 
We have been lied to about everything imaginable πŸ‘΅
Feel like banging your head on a brick wall some days. 😁

Living in love πŸ’—and not fear sure helps. 
Very sad too for family members & friends who think we are just plain old crazy, at least I have some family on the same page as me thankfully. Very grateful for that.  
While I do not do truther videos myself I found a great place to go and on youtube of all places LOL Go figure! 
"Arcana Shores", look them up there.. Great entertainment
and while I never get to the live ones (weirdly) I watch them as often as I can for entertainment purposes only .. wink , wink 😏
Kristen & Jason are brilliant, fun and really good to keep your sanity, I love them both! πŸ’–

πŸ’“Live , Laugh , Love! πŸ’•πŸ˜

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Where did April go ? lol Happy Mothers Day too...

 Always a busy month in April, lots of birthdays and public holidays going on including my own on the 24th of April,  new Grandaughter on the 4th of April 2022, so that was super exciting. 

And Happy Mothers day today ...  wow πŸ‘ͺπŸ’– for all those that are..  πŸ’“ Anyhoo....  lots going on in the background it seems, if and when you can find the truth that is ... censorship has been insane, things are about to get REAL for those still sleeping through this infowar! 😍

"The best is yet to come" we have all been told for a long time now, but hey ... all good things are coming soon it seems according to what has been written in the stars for quite some time now.  Time will tell as usual, keep the faith and hang on tight ........  people are awakening a lot faster now so that is great news ... some will never believe anything, even after showing them proof ,  hmmm !  So be it!  πŸ’ž  Fun is on it's way! 😎😘

Thankfully! πŸ˜ƒ

Quite literally.....πŸ’—

Not sure why I follow American politics so closely, while living in New Zealand, mostly because it is important for the whole world to see Trump back as the President. 
We have our own issues with our witch here ...  we are getting there. 
Our crappy FAKE NEWS here is super corrupt too, we do have a counter spin real news one. 

They are doing a tour around the country right now. 
Truth will always prevail~ it has to! 

Hallelujah!😍😌Bring it on! 

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Are we there yet ? Are we there yet ? Are we there yet ? lol Annoying not to be , but hey ....

 While we are not quite there yet, it seems things are coming out thick & fast now, while the sleepers keep on sleeping , those of us awake and aware of the WW3 info' war are getting a little tired of it all .  Freedom is not Free that is one thing for certain.

 Good Vs Evil etc. πŸ˜”

A very sad day for New Zealand on the 2nd of March 2022 , one that will not be forgotten in a hurry, the police or so called police were nothing than utterly disgusting in their actions.

 Looked like a war zone afterwards, all the peaceful protesters were removed sadly. While it is definitely not over for NZ , seems the tyrants are not quite ready to F* off just yet... 😠 There will be a lot of angry people left in New Zealand and worldwide of course.  

Personally, I have been to a few of the protests in Auckland, I never made it down to Wellington , to visit the Free Town while it was in full swing, sure looked like fun for a while anyway, like the good old days of people looking out for one another as we always did back then living in small towns and communities.  What went so wrong with people? 

Too much TV bullshit,  netflix , phones non stop propaganda everywhere you go , insanity! Most of us for two years of watching the shit happen , trying to wake others up is turning into a nightmare, some will just stay fully unaware until the MSM crashes down & out. πŸ˜‰Hoping for real SOON on that one ..   πŸ’₯πŸ˜ƒπŸ’₯ Anyway , not the end of the world yet. 

Amen to that , Hallelujah! 😜 

More mainstream mayhem , stop watching the BS News !  πŸ‘Ώ

Don't shoot the messenger, lol ~ I am a *TRUTH SEEKER* not a muppet! 



Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Live streaming NOW ~ Day 5 in Wellington.

Since Mainstream media is showing their version, if you want the TRUTH.

Click the pic' below to take you to the live stream. 


Like the rest of the world the convoys and protests are HUGE and exciting to see.

The convoy going through Kaiwaka 😁

A really small country town.. 

 On an overbridge in Auckland. 

We do love you truckers!!😍

And meanwhile the NZ Revolution! 😎






Oh that is why she cancelled the wedding ~~not because she cares!

Jabcinda is a piece of  πŸ’© 

Hard to keep up with all that is happening these days... wow

  BQQM, BQQM, BQQM, this week!   Is this the Red October we have all been waiting for? (4 year Delta) so.....   I think it might be ... An e...