Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Worldwide Revolution baby .... Good Vs Evil ~ Truth WILL prevail.

A great compilation of the worldwide protests going on by Eyedropmedia .πŸ‘€πŸ˜


Guessing anyone reading this is already wide awake , but hey ... 
A lot like the Trump tour, MSM will be saying not many turned up LOL
Check this out!  Looks like thousands to me!!  πŸ˜€

Trump WON ~ get over it !  πŸ’₯

Anyway, back to a fun fact , check out the names of the islands down under us in NZ, in the Antartica ,  sound familiar anyone?  Think about that for a second. 
While all who are still sleeping through this digital WW3 the clues are everywhere.
I could never get Telegram to work well , so I miss a lot too. Funny how I get what I need to see or hear when I need to see or hear it.  Thankfully!  πŸ™πŸ˜Amen to that.

The evil ones love screwing with us don't they ? 

Hoping many do have a Merry Christmas , it will not be a good one for many who have lost loved ones to this tyranny and hey we will meet them again no doubt. 
Love and Light to everyone and 2022 , "22s never lose" I had been saying that for a few years , never knowing why, maybe now I do know why. 
Bring on the peace and prosperity we all deserve in 2022. 
& Thank you Santa! 😜

Love and Blessings to ALL.  πŸ˜πŸ’ 

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

When is enough , enough? Well, angry would be an understatement for most I would say....

It seems my last post on the 5th vanished ...  strange.   oh well ... NEXT one ...  
Holy moly , the MSM dropping some truths ....  shocker indeed. πŸ‘Ί
Or are they distracting from more important issues ? Like the case of the century? 
So much going on,  great information, misinformation etc ...  just hurry up ... 
Let's get this over with once and for all .   Very short video and sad really. 
My guess is when the whole truth comes out there will be some VERY ANGRY
people that were lied to about the vaccines on purpose.  DEPOPULATION... 
springs to mind and so much brainwashing from the tel-lie-vision !  πŸ‘ΏπŸ’©

 πŸ’₯  All the emojis are black & white , strange things happening, not even sure
this post will even show up.  πŸ‘€

The world is slowly waking up and the deep state will not be happy! 
Protests galore in most countries, had a great big one here on the 
4th of December , another one on the 16th apparently.  
It was amazing to see the huge numbers , while on the TV they said there was 
a few showed up LOL  Literally 10s of thousands were there. 
I did get a great video, but it keeps saying the file is too large to send , Hmmm! 
Mind you, my phone is not that smart and I barely use it anyway. 
I showed my 88 year old mother the footage, then she went and saw it on 
the 6 o clock news,  I think she finally got it and how much they LIE so
that sure was a bonus. 
Me and hubby are bottom left in that one... 😍

From all around the world!  Love it! 

And just for a laugh .....
which we could all use right now I'm sure!😁
Funny as video! 

Hard to keep up with all that is happening these days... wow

  BQQM, BQQM, BQQM, this week!   Is this the Red October we have all been waiting for? (4 year Delta) so.....   I think it might be ... An e...