Monday, June 14, 2021

A couple of short and sweet videos today. Enjoy....

 Getting close now, we would like to think so anyway ... πŸ‘

 So much censorship still going on,  A true blackout ?  who knows... 

 A really good 2 minute video that sort of says it all really! πŸ‘€πŸ‘‚ 


The TRUTH about Elon Musk ...  Who knew this ?   Not me! 
I  always knew there was something weird about him and his so called geniusness.
This short video reveals a lot about who he really is!!  
Another big fat Liar , Liar, pants on fire πŸ‘ΏπŸ˜œ Geez! 


Bit like this guy ....  another liar ,  hmmmm!  

No wonder Fakebook is so corrupted! πŸ’’
Lies , lies & more lies ... Anyone else tired of it all yet?  πŸ’–

So far behind here with updates, it has certainly been a while now....

  While I have been super busy offline lately, moving house and unpacking etc, so much has happened since my last post ...  I really can not...