Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Breaking NEWS about our Prime Minister ...

 Since I do not watch mainstream news, I can not get Telegram for some reason, 
I had to find out this on skype LOL πŸ’₯

The witch is resigning 🐴 YAY for New Zealand ! 😁WEF puppet she was! πŸ‘Ώ

  *Read it here:   Click Here!   Not a moment too soon I think ....  oh SO happy! 😊

Not sure who the replacement will be though .. hmmmm!  Another muppet perhaps!

No election here in NZ until October, hoping by then the whole truth about all the other rigged elections comes out well before then.  πŸ˜‰ It will. 

The 2020 stolen in the USA, Brazil and on & on in most countries..πŸ˜’

 Love this, πŸ’—as a Taurus lol 

 Truth coming out now , thick and fast too, finally. We have been lied to about absolutely everything under the sun and people are finally waking up to it all. 😌

The fake news still trying hard to keep their narrative going as long as they can, but the walls are falling down around them until they will implode on themselves, the sooner the better for that to happen... and so it is.  Hallelujah & Amen. πŸ˜€

Be what we were born to be, Amen. 
πŸ’–πŸ’—πŸ’“LOVE & LIGHT TO ALLπŸ˜˜πŸ’–πŸ’“

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