Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Worldwide Revolution baby .... Good Vs Evil ~ Truth WILL prevail.

A great compilation of the worldwide protests going on by Eyedropmedia .πŸ‘€πŸ˜


Guessing anyone reading this is already wide awake , but hey ... 
A lot like the Trump tour, MSM will be saying not many turned up LOL
Check this out!  Looks like thousands to me!!  πŸ˜€

Trump WON ~ get over it !  πŸ’₯

Anyway, back to a fun fact , check out the names of the islands down under us in NZ, in the Antartica ,  sound familiar anyone?  Think about that for a second. 
While all who are still sleeping through this digital WW3 the clues are everywhere.
I could never get Telegram to work well , so I miss a lot too. Funny how I get what I need to see or hear when I need to see or hear it.  Thankfully!  πŸ™πŸ˜Amen to that.

The evil ones love screwing with us don't they ? 

Hoping many do have a Merry Christmas , it will not be a good one for many who have lost loved ones to this tyranny and hey we will meet them again no doubt. 
Love and Light to everyone and 2022 , "22s never lose" I had been saying that for a few years , never knowing why, maybe now I do know why. 
Bring on the peace and prosperity we all deserve in 2022. 
& Thank you Santa! 😜

Love and Blessings to ALL.  πŸ˜πŸ’ 

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

When is enough , enough? Well, angry would be an understatement for most I would say....

It seems my last post on the 5th vanished ...  strange.   oh well ... NEXT one ...  
Holy moly , the MSM dropping some truths ....  shocker indeed. πŸ‘Ί
Or are they distracting from more important issues ? Like the case of the century? 
So much going on,  great information, misinformation etc ...  just hurry up ... 
Let's get this over with once and for all .   Very short video and sad really. 
My guess is when the whole truth comes out there will be some VERY ANGRY
people that were lied to about the vaccines on purpose.  DEPOPULATION... 
springs to mind and so much brainwashing from the tel-lie-vision !  πŸ‘ΏπŸ’©

 πŸ’₯  All the emojis are black & white , strange things happening, not even sure
this post will even show up.  πŸ‘€

The world is slowly waking up and the deep state will not be happy! 
Protests galore in most countries, had a great big one here on the 
4th of December , another one on the 16th apparently.  
It was amazing to see the huge numbers , while on the TV they said there was 
a few showed up LOL  Literally 10s of thousands were there. 
I did get a great video, but it keeps saying the file is too large to send , Hmmm! 
Mind you, my phone is not that smart and I barely use it anyway. 
I showed my 88 year old mother the footage, then she went and saw it on 
the 6 o clock news,  I think she finally got it and how much they LIE so
that sure was a bonus. 
Me and hubby are bottom left in that one... 😍

From all around the world!  Love it! 

And just for a laugh .....
which we could all use right now I'm sure!😁
Funny as video! 

Sunday, November 7, 2021

One brave little 10 year old girl , plus more videos & good news from around the world

 This very bright, articulate little girl is brainier than

 so many adults still believing all the lies, OUCH !😍UK.

It still surprises me how many do not have any idea about what the real agenda even was, nothing to do with a virus that is for sure .  Depopulation is what the elites wanted all along ...  

Check this out from 1989! 

You may need to zoom in to see it clearly, it just proves this was all PLANNED years earlier and sooner than that too, no doubt!  

Now for us Kiwis, what a treat this was, watching our crazy PM squirming and showing her true colours LOL 

Counterspin Media is great & our only 

TRUE news source channel here in NZ 😍

Since I can not seem to get Telegram to work for me for some reason... 

Down under , you won't see this on the TV either ... 
Clearly more waking up than we even know about! 
Yipeeee!  πŸ˜πŸ˜‰πŸ˜πŸ’“

And for the USA tomorrow is a huge day! 😁

Hope it goes well for them, and hoping to find one for us here! 
Hallelujah! πŸ‘ͺ😎
Good Vs Evil, good will prevail! Amen! 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Mainstream media IS still full of you know what ...

 While the mainstream news channels are all trying to stop what is happening and coming out , seems the truthers always find a way to share the real news.   πŸ˜

Just one example,  look at how many plane crashes are happening , yet not a peep in the mainstream about any of them at all.   Do a search yourself on small plane crashes it is nuts and there are many .....  




Monday, October 4, 2021

Final stages to get to all the good stuff ...

 So much Bullshit going on with the mainstream media ... insane really! Anyway just for a laugh , my husband sent this photo to my laptop today, I had forgotten all about it,  it was up in a tower in Vietnam so it is a couple of years ago,  (my hair has grown back since then)  Could not help it, had to share it somewhere, so why not here. So here we go...  I never take selfies or like my photo even being taken , so this was a rare one. 😁 Yes, that really is me, while I may not be an angel, I try to always be nice. πŸ’–I actually like that one .  Once our new platform is ready , I may even start doing videos.  πŸ˜ŠπŸ’“

Ha ha ,  I wished I had liked doing them , but I don't like the limelight at all but I will fight for freedom any which way I can , end of story!!   πŸ˜ Hallelujah! πŸ™

Once all these lies are out and open to the public, there will be a  lot of very confused people about I would imagine.  So I guess I am on the planet at this time for a good reason. πŸ‘€πŸ™ 

I have been self employed for so long , so I have been very lucky in that respect , NO BOSS except my husband can try to get bossy when he is hungry ....  LOL   So old fashion , but love it  πŸ‘« & him. 

All this utter chaos over something with those stats is insanity at its finest. 

Follow the money trails ....  Hmmm!  

                              Disgusting piles of   πŸ’©s

Keep the faith and hang in there,

Although right now it might not seem like it!


Monday, September 20, 2021

Finally a Federal nurse has come forward , surely that will wake up more people . :)

 You would like to think so, anyway.  Watch for yourself... we all knew already , but hey, more to wake up yet! πŸ‘€πŸ’–

 Hoping it stays up (as it is on youtube) 😍
Great to see these things, but also very sad at the same time. 
All we have is hope and faith that all will be revealed & SOON.

Found this song too, sort of says it all as well, maybe to the WHY some just really do not see things as clearly. πŸ‘ͺ
The Wake up song. Really good.  😊

They have been trying to scare us for so long now, and we were all oblivious until you start to see it everywhere once you do wake up , which for me was when I started this blog ... lol  πŸ’₯
Look at this , think about it ~truly shocking really. 

It is a little blurry, sorry. I had made the original slightly bigger so you could see it a little better. 

πŸ™Amen to that. πŸ’ŸπŸ’“πŸ’—

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Tired of all the BS yet ? I know I am :)

 For those who took the blue pill I am truly, really sorry for you all.  

What pisses me off the most is they are STILL pushing this thing to the max , even hiring actors to cry and beg people to get this crazy experimental junk. Their faces are ingrained in my brain, they would not want to meet me anywhere on the street EVER.  😁

I am sure many more are awake than they know, hoping so anyhoo...  

I can not seem to be able to get on Telegram for some weird reason, something

keeps blocking it from me ....  Hmmmmm!  Dodgy as, right there. πŸ˜”

and yes I have tried many times and closed off the firewall etc.. nothing! 

Not meant to be perhaps.  These days I wish I had gone to law school .. but hey! 

Shoot , even the ones I tried so hard to wake up have all fallen for this crap. 


                 Even getting hard to do blog posts now it seems... mind you, google owns it πŸ‘Ώ

Guessing I will have all my blogs deleted at some point soon anyway. 

                Watch that , it is a great compilation to share with those still wondering ... 

or those who may be still considering it , that SHOULD scare them out of it . 



I will be moving to the countryside very soon to be around like minded people and get back to mother nature and get amongst a community to change things up,  I grew up in the country and always loved it , time to get back to that now. 
I have no idea what will happen to the cities or the people left in them sadly.   
We shall see and time will tell.  Good wins at the end of the day.  
The time to fight is now , anyway we can.  πŸ’Ÿ
I can see why all the Mama Bears are coming out of the woodwork, anyone touches their children, god help them is all I will say.  πŸ’₯πŸ’ͺ I am the same way.  😍
God bless us all .  πŸ’ 

Monday, August 30, 2021

Finally some GOOD news best 12 minutes EVER ... since all this crap started.


Turn off your TV ~ it is all FAKE NEWS. 

Watch the TRUE story below. 

Stop the Fear and WAKE UP!

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Now isn't that strange .... ???? WTF ...

 Well, well, well, we went into lockUP again ...  sounds more like it, than lockdown.  All because this twat went on the TV and said so ...   Watch the video,  that is what is supposedly in charge of all our lives LOL & all the sheeple listened... it is like everyone went back to sleep after all this time. OMG it is so frustrating to see.... 

Hoping the video works so you can see what she is!

I think we all got conned, don't you?  😡

I had woken up the neighbours and many others to all this BS and been called the crazy lady more than once , I have no idea what happened, one went to get the jab and the others are masking up...

 I guess they all watch the BS lamestream media which lies about EVERYTHING! πŸ’«πŸ’ͺ

I literally can not watch it any more without wanting to vomit! 

It is utter πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’’

As well as all the governments all over the world. 

I wonder if THEY all realise that! 😠

Time to wake up kiwis, the world is watching! πŸ‘€

It literally now is Good Vs Evil , I have been and seen way too much that I can not unsee, so many rabbit holes to go down and discover the bigger picture which is way scarier than any fake virus is!  Depopulation is their agenda! 😧😫

Go visit that site by clicking the pic' read that, then think about Jastinka being good friends with that Psycho' πŸ˜•
Still want to stay at home & wait for that to happen? 


Friday, August 6, 2021

BOOM~ Great time to be alive for sure... holy moly

 News Flash ...   oh , there is NO Virus LOL  never was, 100% PROOF now all over the place they can not erase everything fast enough ...  so hey more and more waking up to all this BS thankfully. 

This is just one video, there are many now but I love this guys channel for Truth bombs πŸ’₯πŸ’–


Great Question? Think about it! 
(No tests for it anywhere on earth) 
It only exists on your TV screens.
Time is NOW to wake the F' up. 
Seriously! πŸ’ͺ😍

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Big day tomorrow ... depending which universe you are in or on I suppose...

 Crazy times for sure...  πŸ˜
Even our biarrrch Crime Minister made it on there .. lol

Great video here with the protests in Melbourne thousands showed up and the police stood down lol πŸ’ŸπŸ˜„πŸ˜
You won't see this on MSM at all...   
Click here to watch that .  (uncensored) 😊

Protests all over the world... πŸ’‹πŸ˜πŸ’ͺ

And while I do follow a lot of Americans I finally found a good New Zealand channel "Counterspin Media" on rumble. YAY .. 

There is so much being hidden it can be hard to find places in your own country if you do not partake in the social media BS platforms.

The song at the end is fantastic... 
If what I hear is true, the rest of the good plan kicks in after the 3 gorges dam implodes tomorrow being hit by the typhoon heading it's way,  I could be wrong 😡
dates and timelines can change so often, so hey.. πŸ‘€

I really think the πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’© is about to hit the fan after that. 
Truth bombs galore ...  πŸ˜πŸ’–coming SOON... 

"Watch the water" keep the faith and trust the plan. 


Sunday, July 4, 2021

Hmmm ??? Crazy times indeed.


Reality Check Below... 

A couple of interesting incites about all this BS going on!
The truth will always prevail at some point, so hang in there. πŸ˜‹ 

I wonder if the mainstream media liars are aware of that  rule!

  Hmmmm! πŸ’¦πŸ˜‚ 

Now, that I would love to see. Them ALL held accountable for lying non stop about everything to the public. 😌😍Such bollocks on the Tel~lie~vision! 😡😡😫



😍✌πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜Love, Live , Laugh! 

“ Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.

 Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. ”

 ~Marie Curie 😊


Hard to keep up with all that is happening these days... wow

  BQQM, BQQM, BQQM, this week!   Is this the Red October we have all been waiting for? (4 year Delta) so.....   I think it might be ... An e...