Very sad indeed, since they are covering up most of the deaths, you really only hear about it when it happens to someone you know or someone finally gets the truth out there. 😇
2021 just zoomed on by, no pun intended . I refuse to use that platform, not sure why. However I will trust my intuition although millions of others do use it. Maybe I am just weird OR I have a few brain cells left, thankfully. 💟
I was expecting a huge March here on the 15th, seems everyone went back to sleep after holidaying over the Christmas break, the government are doing their last pushy, pushes for the clot shots ... sickening to say the very least. My children are all grown men now, but they are coming after the kids with this crap. As a mother I can not imagine letting that happen EVER.
A great few videos that say a lot , instead of embedding them I will just paste the links below.....
* Masks are BAD in so many ways. Short & Sweet & explains a lot.
Next time someone says "masks, should be mandated" send them this one. 😁
*Great compilation video ~ FACTS! :)
Hoping they show up here on (google) 👿
*The ABCDEFU SONG, LOL Absolutely brilliant , love it!!
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