Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Who do you trust these days ?

Yeh right!!! Really healthy looking bunch, NOT!
& these are just some of the people they want us to trust πŸ˜‰ 
Really?  Heck no.... Gates? Faucci? Ummm NO! 

While it seems more truths are getting out day by day,
as much as they try to ban it (Good luck with that)
& so many still have their head in the sand or are maybe just scared.. 
No idea why, when it is so blatantly obvious now...
If you stop watching mainstream media that is, they LIE!

F.E.A.R = False evidence appearing real. 

πŸ‘€Just look at the date that was written, Geez! πŸ‘€

Still want to line up for a vaccine ??? Ahhhhh, Hell, NO ... 

Yes, we will win in the end, if everyone wakes the heck up that is! 
World Anthem song, 😜Appropriate really!  Enjoy! πŸ’‹


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What a month, winner, winner, chicken dinner lol

  WOW weeeee, so hard to keep up with all the winning, being in New Zealand I wonder if we will become a part of America (as in the 5 eyes) ...