Monday, December 9, 2024

Trump won, Nice... 2020 and 2024 ....

 Is it me? or is time messing with us all   LOL πŸ’«πŸ˜Great song..... 

Making America Great Again and the whole world at the same time... 😍
Forever grateful....
Thank Q and Thank President Trump! NCSWIC! 
For those who have been awake for longer than just a few years like me, some for 20, 30, 40 or even 50 years, I have the utmost respect for them all. It feels like forever, however it will be well worth the wait for this battle between Good Vs Evil scenario to be over.

I remember my Mother telling us about her friends from 70 years ago who were telling her about this happy great awakening to come, even way back then??? RIP Mum, she realized a few years ago they were telling the truth, when she thought they were nuts at the time. 
(sounds familiar being called nuts)  LOL 
She did not quite make it to see it for herself, although I know she is watching from somewhere, knowing. πŸ’–party in the sky perhaps...πŸ˜„we shall see.

Truth bombs everywhere now, very hard to NOT see it any more, many still do not want to see certain things I guess, understandable sadly. The pure evil is insane, justice is coming soon, I can just feel it in my bones, so to speak. 

GOD WINS, already has, I believe. NCSWIC! 😍


Every time I find a nice group here to join in NZ, the infighting begins,
absolutely insane to me, when WWG1WGA should be the case.


I need to find some new like minded friends, as I have become a bit of a hermit these days,
since being called the local crazy lady. We have since moved though, lovely neighbours but all mostly asleep still it seems.   I think the old neighbours might come back around soon though, with questions perhaps. One day maybe...  😁Who knows....
Even my own children think I am bonkers LOL 
EBS would be great...  They will all find out soon enough, either way.
πŸ’₯😍πŸ’₯πŸ˜πŸ’«πŸ˜πŸ’₯😍 πŸ’₯

While I am not on a lot of social sites, I do love Rumble
aka TheWeaversVentures there. 😊I got the boot from fakebook
in 2020 LOL I should join Truth Social at some point I suppose, that would be a good place for me as I do follow a lot of good people on Rumble, not all of them I still listen to though. I love Sarge's ICONs channel , Mike King is a great source for what is really going on and of course We the People channel (Mary's one) she covers a lot... 
(I really do need to buy her a coffee) πŸ˜€
Derek Johnson is great and SGAnon too @ QspecialForces channel.
Patriot Underground and also FCB decodes are amazing. 😊
Sadly I can not get into Telegram at all. Weird, but true!
I am sure that is where all the best info' actually is and the best place to be. 

I hope everyone enjoys the holidays with family and friends.
A quiet one this year, no tree up, now I know what that means,
plus the wrong date for Christmas we now know too, ouch! 😐
Hoping all that truth will be revealed too at some point, EBS?

Patriots around the world, WWG1WGA! 

Much love from NZ 😍

What a month, winner, winner, chicken dinner lol

  WOW weeeee, so hard to keep up with all the winning, being in New Zealand I wonder if we will become a part of America (as in the 5 eyes) ...