Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Riders of the storm..... great song!

 That song has been stuck in my head for days ....  I wonder why? 😀 Anyone else feel like they are doing exactly that?  riding along in a storm that just keeps on going and going.....  ???? 😏

We did have a nice brave lady Liz Gunn, who was running  NZ Loyal, who decided she wanted to quit right in the middle of the storm ... so sad, too bad.   Counterspin media who I do trust and love their honesty, called her out and turns out she was not so loyal after all...  💔I was a member of NZ Loyal so needless to say, OUCH ... that hurt!  😞

Just wow really...  We do not seem to have a NZ version of Trump or the Aussie Bosi here in New Zealand.  While many are awake or waking up to some things, we have no real leadership to speak of,  if I even liked politics I would run myself....  I don't even like being on time anywhere, so that might not work out so well.....  LOL 😁😐💥💓

There is hope though & it seems more people are waking up ......finally! 

Apparently there is a plan, plus Devolution baby ... This is short and sweet and worth watching for some peace of mind perhaps....  all while hell is breaking loose around the world for the normies to see. 👀💫

So much more to come out yet and it is coming out fast and furious now......


What a month, winner, winner, chicken dinner lol

  WOW weeeee, so hard to keep up with all the winning, being in New Zealand I wonder if we will become a part of America (as in the 5 eyes) ...