Monday, September 20, 2021

Finally a Federal nurse has come forward , surely that will wake up more people . :)

 You would like to think so, anyway.  Watch for yourself... we all knew already , but hey, more to wake up yet! πŸ‘€πŸ’–

 Hoping it stays up (as it is on youtube) 😍
Great to see these things, but also very sad at the same time. 
All we have is hope and faith that all will be revealed & SOON.

Found this song too, sort of says it all as well, maybe to the WHY some just really do not see things as clearly. πŸ‘ͺ
The Wake up song. Really good.  😊

They have been trying to scare us for so long now, and we were all oblivious until you start to see it everywhere once you do wake up , which for me was when I started this blog ... lol  πŸ’₯
Look at this , think about it ~truly shocking really. 

It is a little blurry, sorry. I had made the original slightly bigger so you could see it a little better. 

πŸ™Amen to that. πŸ’ŸπŸ’“πŸ’—

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Tired of all the BS yet ? I know I am :)

 For those who took the blue pill I am truly, really sorry for you all.  

What pisses me off the most is they are STILL pushing this thing to the max , even hiring actors to cry and beg people to get this crazy experimental junk. Their faces are ingrained in my brain, they would not want to meet me anywhere on the street EVER.  😁

I am sure many more are awake than they know, hoping so anyhoo...  

I can not seem to be able to get on Telegram for some weird reason, something

keeps blocking it from me ....  Hmmmmm!  Dodgy as, right there. πŸ˜”

and yes I have tried many times and closed off the firewall etc.. nothing! 

Not meant to be perhaps.  These days I wish I had gone to law school .. but hey! 

Shoot , even the ones I tried so hard to wake up have all fallen for this crap. 


                 Even getting hard to do blog posts now it seems... mind you, google owns it πŸ‘Ώ

Guessing I will have all my blogs deleted at some point soon anyway. 

                Watch that , it is a great compilation to share with those still wondering ... 

or those who may be still considering it , that SHOULD scare them out of it . 



I will be moving to the countryside very soon to be around like minded people and get back to mother nature and get amongst a community to change things up,  I grew up in the country and always loved it , time to get back to that now. 
I have no idea what will happen to the cities or the people left in them sadly.   
We shall see and time will tell.  Good wins at the end of the day.  
The time to fight is now , anyway we can.  πŸ’Ÿ
I can see why all the Mama Bears are coming out of the woodwork, anyone touches their children, god help them is all I will say.  πŸ’₯πŸ’ͺ I am the same way.  😍
God bless us all .  πŸ’ 

What a month, winner, winner, chicken dinner lol

  WOW weeeee, so hard to keep up with all the winning, being in New Zealand I wonder if we will become a part of America (as in the 5 eyes) ...